Elwood Boucher

Archive for Juni, 2007

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Cat.: Allgemein
29. Juni 2007

I found some pictures that proof what some of us already expected: They live. And some karen_uniflex_tn.jpg of them are living next door.

Opening party yesterday  1

Cat.: Allgemein
13. Juni 2007

I went online and got an IM from Rose Scintilla - she was on an opening party and invited me to join her.

It was on ozMos Island, or Perfume Island. Thank you, Rose, it was nice to meet you again and dance and talk with you. I got some new contacts there - too bad Barbara or Zeroset weren’t online and couldn’t join us.

I will visit the Perfume Island again soon, and I hope I will meet Rose who is a professional in perfumes, again, too.